Ledger.com/Start® |

Ledger.io/start | Live to start setting up your device At Ledger, we're dedicated to providing Ledger.io/start seamless experiences for users looking to set up their devices securely … Unlocking the

What is Ledger.com/start?

Ledger.com/start is the official website provided by Ledger, a trusted leader in cryptocurrency security solutions. It serves as a central hub for users looking to begin their journey with Ledger hardware wallets. Whether you're setting up a new device or need assistance with managing your existing wallet, ledger.com/start provides step-by-step instructions, FAQs, and resources to help you navigate through the process seamlessly.

Steps to Get Started with Ledger Hardware Wallet

1. Purchase Your Ledger Hardware Wallet

If you haven't already purchased a Ledger hardware wallet, you can do so directly from the Ledger website or authorized resellers. Choose from popular models like Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, or other specialized devices depending on your needs.

2. Access ledger.com/start

Once you have your Ledger hardware wallet in hand, visit ledger.com/start using a web browser on your desktop or mobile device. This is where you'll find all the necessary resources and guides to begin setting up your device.

3. Set Up Your Ledger Hardware Wallet

Follow these steps to set up your Ledger hardware wallet securely:

a. Unbox and Connect:

  • Unbox your Ledger hardware wallet and connect it to your computer using the USB cable provided.

  • Power on the device by pressing the button on the top or side, depending on the model.

b. Initialize the Device:

  • If it's your first time using the Ledger hardware wallet, you will be guided through the initialization process.

  • Set a PIN code on your device for added security. This PIN code will be required every time you access your wallet.

c. Write Down Your Recovery Phrase:

  • During setup, you will generate a 24-word recovery phrase (also known as seed phrase).

  • Write down this recovery phrase in the correct order and store it in a safe place offline. This phrase is crucial for recovering access to your wallet in case your device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

4. Install Ledger Live

Ledger Live is the companion application for managing your cryptocurrencies using Ledger hardware wallets. Here's how to install Ledger Live:

a. Download Ledger Live:

  • Visit ledger.com/start and navigate to the section where you can download Ledger Live for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to download the installer file.

b. Install Ledger Live:

  • Once downloaded, run the installer file and follow the installation prompts to complete the setup on your computer.

5. Connect Ledger Live to Your Device

a. Open Ledger Live:

  • Launch the Ledger Live application on your computer once installation is complete.

b. Connect Your Ledger Device:

  • Use the USB cable to connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions in Ledger Live to connect and set up your device.

6. Manage Your Cryptocurrencies

Once your Ledger hardware wallet is set up and connected to Ledger Live, you can start managing your cryptocurrencies:

a. Portfolio Management:

  • View the balance of your cryptocurrency holdings and monitor their value in real-time.

  • Access detailed transaction histories and track performance over time.

b. Sending and Receiving Cryptocurrencies:

  • Easily send cryptocurrencies to other addresses or receive funds securely into your Ledger hardware wallet.

  • Confirm transactions on your Ledger device to authorize them securely.

c. Additional Features:

  • Explore additional features such as integrated exchange services, staking, and managing multiple accounts within Ledger Live.

Security Measures

Ledger.com/start emphasizes security throughout the setup process:

1. Secure Element Technology:

  • Ledger hardware wallets use secure element chips to store private keys securely and protect against physical and software attacks.

2. PIN Code Protection:

  • Access to your Ledger hardware wallet and Ledger Live is protected by a PIN code chosen during setup.

3. Recovery Phrase:

  • Your 24-word recovery phrase is essential for recovering access to your wallet in case of emergencies.

  • Store this recovery phrase offline in a safe and secure location.


Getting started with Ledger using ledger.com/start is a straightforward process designed to ensure that your cryptocurrency assets are managed securely and efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up your Ledger hardware wallet, install Ledger Live, and begin managing your digital assets with confidence. Ledger's commitment to security and user-friendly interfaces makes it a preferred choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts seeking robust protection and comprehensive management tools.

Last updated